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Shastadari’s 13 Base Units

The nine fundamental Shastadari units are described below;

For each unit, the title contains what is measured with that unit, and the unit’s name followed by it’s symbol;

You’ll also find the original word from where the unit gets it’s name, in both Devanāgarī script and standard romanization, the original pronunciation in API, and the word’s original meaning;

Next, the physical phenomenon or property that originates the unit’s definition, and, for some units, an equivalent definition using the same raeasoning or basis as the S.I. reference unit, for comparison;

Finally, the units’ conversion factor to and from the S.I., in both sezimal and decimal bases, and, where relevant, also the conversion to the Imperial/US customary correspondent unit;

Some derived units are mentioned, and, for the first time it’s mentioned, a link referencing it’s name origin is provided, as is it’s description using only base units;

A few units are described using prefixes; you can see how to use and work with them on the Prefixes page;


Conditions: NIST Standard Temperature and Pressure

Those are the default conditions assumed for the reference values of Fresh Water properties, upon which some units base their values.

Standard Temperature Standard Pressure
251‍󱹬‍255‍󱹭‍425 gtk = 110 °S 5‍󱹭‍355‍󱹬‍142‍󱹭‍411 pdn = 53‍󱹮‍552 XDpdn
293.15 K = 20 °C
527.67 °R = 68 °F
101,325 Pa = 1 atm
29.92 inHg
pidana pdn = drv·pad⁻¹·ang⁻²
TIME ― anuga [uh-NOO-guh] – ang
अनुगामी ‹anugāmī› /ɐ.nu'gɑː.miː/ «succeding, following»
Day Hyperfine transition frequency
of ytterbium‐443* ΔνYb
100‍󱹬‍000‍󱹭‍000 ang 203‍󱹭‍150‍󱹬‍505‍󱹭‍354‍󱹬‍503‍󱹭‍234‍󱹮‍530‍󱹭‍12 avt
86,400 s 688,358,979,309,308.24 Hz*
avriti avt = ang⁻¹
anuga ang → second s second s → anuga ang
0‍󱹮‍015‍󱹭‍04 31‍󱹯‍235‍󱹭‍01
0.051 440 329 218 106 19.44
LENGTH ― pada [PAH-duh] – pad
पद ‹pada› /'pɐ.d̪ɐ/ «pace, step»
Earth’s Average Gravity gavg Speed of Light c
1 grt 135‍󱹭‍005‍󱹬‍235‍󱹭‍440 veg
9.797 566 850 130 385 m·s⁻² 299,792,458 m·s⁻¹
guruta grt = pad·ang² vega veg = pad·ang⁻¹
pada pad → metre m metre m → pada pad
0‍󱹮‍005‍󱹭‍333‍󱹬‍324‍󱹭‍241‍󱹬‍020‍󱹭‍132 102‍󱹮‍323‍󱹭‍332‍󱹬‍014‍󱹭‍301‍󱹬‍032‍󱹭‍531
0.025 925 414 830 613 38.572 188 971 078 116
pada pad → inch in inch in → pada pad
1‍󱹮‍004‍󱹭‍245‍󱹬‍035‍󱹭‍231‍󱹬‍145‍󱹭‍530 0‍󱹮‍551‍󱹭‍342‍󱹬‍241‍󱹭‍214‍󱹬‍101‍󱹭‍144
1.020 685 623 252 489 = 1 5⁄256 0.979 733 599 865 387
MASS ― dravya [DRAH-vyuh] – drv
द्रव्य ‹dravya› /'d̪rɐ.vjɐ/ «object, substance»
Fresh Water Density Planck Constant h
1 gnt 1‍󱹮‍025‍󱹭‍500‍󱹬‍342‍󱹭‍435‍󱹬‍151‍󱹭‍430 × 10⁻¹⁰² agh
998.207 153 168 156 802 kg·m⁻³ 6.626 070 15 × 10⁻³⁴ J·Hz⁻¹
ganata gnt = drv·pad⁻³ agraha agh = vrc·avt⁻¹
agh = drv·pad²·ang⁻¹
dravya drv → gram g gram g → dravya drv
25‍󱹮‍221‍󱹭‍031‍󱹬‍220‍󱹭‍042‍󱹬‍551‍󱹭‍352 0‍󱹮‍020‍󱹭‍230‍󱹬‍151‍󱹭‍524‍󱹬‍513‍󱹭‍015
17.393‍󱹭‍934‍󱹭‍102‍󱹭‍091‍󱹭‍065 0.057‍󱹭‍491‍󱹭‍306‍󱹭‍689‍󱹭‍487
dravya drv → ounce oz ounce oz → dravya drv
0‍󱹮‍340‍󱹭‍305‍󱹬‍532‍󱹭‍150‍󱹬‍325‍󱹭‍055 1‍󱹮‍344‍󱹭‍014‍󱹬‍200‍󱹭‍110‍󱹬‍441‍󱹭‍314
0.613 552 969 670 668 1.629 851 128 480 002
ABSOLUTE SCALE ― gatika [guh-TEE-kuh] – gtk
गतिक ‹gatika› /ɡɐ't̪i.kɐ/ «movement»
COMMON SCALE ― tapa [TAH-puh] – tap / sezimal degree – °S
ताप ‹tāpa› /ˈt̪ɑː.pɐ/ «heat, warmth»
Fresh Water Specific Heat Capacity Boltzmann Constant kB
1 idn 1‍󱹮‍302‍󱹭‍042‍󱹬‍411‍󱹭‍530‍󱹬‍113‍󱹭‍435 × 10⁻⁵² prv
4184.050 933 649 753 098  J·K⁻¹·kg⁻¹ 1.380 649 × 10⁻²³ J·K⁻¹
indana idn = vrc·gtk⁻¹·drv⁻¹
idn = pad²·ang⁻²·gtk⁻¹
parivartana prv = vrc·gtk⁻¹
prv = drv·pad²·ang⁻²·gtk⁻¹
gatika gtk → tapa tap tapa tap → gatika gtk
(gtk − 240‍󱹬‍234‍󱹭‍312) ÷ 100‍󱹭‍000 (tap × 100‍󱹭‍000) + 240‍󱹬‍234‍󱹭‍312
(gtk − 4,499,396) ÷ 7,776 (tap × 7,776) + 4,499,396
1 gtk Δ ≘ 1 ptap Δ ≘ 0‍󱹮‍00‍󱹭‍001 tap Δ 1 tap Δ ≘ 1 Pgtk Δ ≘ 100‍󱹭‍000 gtk Δ
0 gtk = −2‍󱹭‍402‍󱹮‍34‍󱹭‍312 tap
0 gtk = −240‍󱹬‍234‍󱹭‍312 ptap
0 tap = 240‍󱹬‍234‍󱹭‍312 gtk
0 tap = 2‍󱹭‍402‍󱹮‍34‍󱹭‍312 Pgtk
gatika gtk → kelvin K kelvin K → gatika gtk
0‍󱹮‍000‍󱹭‍002‍󱹬‍455‍󱹭‍444‍󱹬‍231‍󱹭‍451 204‍󱹭‍132‍󱹮‍130‍󱹭‍415‍󱹬‍510‍󱹭‍035‍󱹬‍252‍󱹭‍551
0.000 060 708 148 381 16,472.253 340 655 32
tapa tap → degree Celsius °C degree Celsius °C → tapa tap
0‍󱹮‍245‍󱹭‍544‍󱹬‍423‍󱹭‍145‍󱹬‍105‍󱹭‍324 2‍󱹮‍041‍󱹭‍321‍󱹬‍304‍󱹭‍155‍󱹬‍100‍󱹭‍353
0.472 066 561 822 964 2.118 345 337 018 431
tapa tap → degree Fahrenheit °F degree Fahrenheit °F → tapa tap
(tap × 0‍󱹮‍503‍󱹭‍312‍󱹬‍305‍󱹭‍535‍󱹬‍425‍󱹭‍123) + 52 (°F - 52) × 1‍󱹮‍102‍󱹭‍111‍󱹬‍302‍󱹭‍223‍󱹬‍312‍󱹭‍210
(tap × 0.849 719 811 281 334) + 32 (°F - 32) × 1.176 858 520 565 792
ELECTRIC CURRENT ― dara [DAH-ruh] – dar
धारा ‹dhārā› /ˈd̪ʱɑː.ɾɑː/ «current, stream»
Free Space Impedance Elementary Charge 𝑒
1 ptb 4‍󱹮‍305‍󱹭‍231‍󱹬‍315‍󱹭‍043‍󱹬‍305‍󱹭‍033 × 10⁻³³ vdt
376.730 313 412 Ω 1.602 176 634 × 10⁻¹⁹ C
pratibada ptb = atr·dar⁻¹
ptb = drv·pad²·ang⁻³·dar⁻²
vidyuta vdt = dar·ang
trimadara Tdar → ampere A ampere A → trimadara Tdar
3‍󱹮‍132‍󱹭‍245‍󱹬‍024‍󱹭‍134‍󱹭‍131‍󱹬‍041 0‍󱹮‍150‍󱹭‍121‍󱹬‍222‍󱹭‍255‍󱹬‍031‍󱹭‍235
3.261 425 654 207 057 0.306 614 378 503 483
PLANE ANGLE ― mandala [mun-DAH-luh] – mdl
मण्डल ‹maṇḍala› /ˈmɐɳ.ɖɐ.l̪ɐ/ «circle, ring, circumference»
the perimeter of a full circumference over it’s radius
τR = 2πR for R = 1
mandala mdl → radian rad radian rad → mandala mdl
τ = 2π = 10‍󱹮‍141‍󱹭‍100‍󱹬‍143‍󱹭‍234‍󱹬‍252‍󱹭‍215 1⁄τ = 1/2π = 0‍󱹮‍054‍󱹭‍213‍󱹬‍311‍󱹭‍044‍󱹬‍450‍󱹭‍505
τ = 2π = 6.283 185 307 179 587 1⁄τ = 1/2π = 0.159 154 943 091 894
SOLID ANGLE ― gola [GOH-luh] – gol
गोला ‹golā› /ˈɡoːlɑː/ «sphere, globe, ball»
the surface area of a full sphere over it’s radius
2τR² = 4πR² for R = 1
gola gol → steradian sr steradian sr → gola gol
2τ = 4π = 20‍󱹮‍322‍󱹭‍200‍󱹬‍330‍󱹭‍512‍󱹬‍544‍󱹭‍434 1/2τ = 1/4π = 0‍󱹮‍025‍󱹭‍104‍󱹬‍433‍󱹭‍322‍󱹬‍223‍󱹭‍233
2τ = 4π = 12.566 370 614 359 172 1/2τ = 1/4π = 0.079 577 471 545 952
LUMINOUS INTENSITY ― prakasha [pruh-KAH-shuh] – pkx
प्रकाश ‹prakāśa› /pɾɐ'kɑː.ʃɐ/ «light»
Luminous Efficacy of Monochromatic Radiation
of 135‍󱹭‍024‍󱹬‍533‍󱹭‍540‍󱹬‍433‍󱹭‍133‍󱹮‍44 avt (540 THz)
1 dxt
683 ÷ 0.999 997 = 683.002 049 006 147 023 lm·W⁻¹
drishiti dxt = dpk·xkt⁻¹
dxt = pkx·gol·drv⁻¹·pad⁻²·ang³
prakasha pkx → candela cd candela cd → prakasha pkx
4‍󱹮‍400‍󱹭‍155‍󱹬‍522‍󱹭‍201‍󱹬‍314‍󱹭‍411 0‍󱹮‍114‍󱹭‍134‍󱹬‍225‍󱹭‍220‍󱹬‍535‍󱹭‍254
4.668 207 727 292 735 0.214 214 974 657 937
AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE ― bahuta [buh-HOO-tuh] – bht
बहुत्व ‹bahutva› /bɐˈɦut̪.ʋɐ/ «multitude, abundance»
Amount of Molecules of Water H₂O in 30 drv,
called “jala number” 𝘕jal
115‍󱹮‍201‍󱹭‍440‍󱹬‍301‍󱹭‍504‍󱹬‍354‍󱹭‍013‍󱹬‍540‍󱹭‍025‍󱹬‍132‍󱹭‍552 × 10⁵⁰
1.046 598 748 176 340 085 182 523 6 × 10²⁵
Atomic Mass of Water H₂O Atomic Mass of Carbon-20 ²⁰C
30 dul 20‍󱹮‍000‍󱹭‍035‍󱹬‍532‍󱹭‍455‍󱹬‍101‍󱹭‍555 dul
18 dul 12.000 512 897 939 970 dul
18.015 28 Da 12.0107 Da
duli dul = 𝘕jal⁻¹ drv
bahuta bht → mole mol mole mol → bahuta bht
25‍󱹮‍213‍󱹭‍523‍󱹬‍023‍󱹭‍430‍󱹬‍522‍󱹭‍454 0‍󱹮‍020‍󱹭‍232‍󱹬‍331‍󱹭‍424‍󱹬‍035‍󱹭‍150
17.379 181 090 020 55 0.057 540 110 481 627 4