Sezimal | Digits and Symbols | Shastadari Units System | Base Units | Prefixes | Time Units | Derived Units | Other Units | Fractions | Scales | Calendar | Calculator | Now | Brazileru | Português
The nine fundamental Shastadari units are described below;
For each unit, the title contains what is measured with that unit, and the unit’s name followed by it’s symbol;
You’ll also find the original word from where the unit gets it’s name, in both Devanāgarī script and standard romanization, the original pronunciation in API, and the word’s original meaning;
Next, the physical phenomenon or property that originates the unit’s definition, and, for some units, an equivalent definition using the same raeasoning or basis as the S.I. reference unit, for comparison;
Finally, the units’ conversion factor to and from the S.I., in both sezimal and decimal bases, and, where relevant, also the conversion to the Imperial/US customary correspondent unit;
Some derived units are mentioned, and, for the first time it’s mentioned, a link referencing it’s name origin is provided, as is it’s description using only base units;
A few units are described using prefixes; you can see how to use and work with them on the Prefixes page;
Conditions: NIST Standard Temperature and Pressure
Those are the default conditions assumed for the reference values of Fresh Water properties, upon which some units base their values.
Standard Temperature | Standard Pressure |
251255425 gtk = 110 °S | 5355142411 pdn = 53552 XDpdn |
293.15 K = 20 °C 527.67 °R = 68 °F |
101,325 Pa = 1 atm 29.92 inHg |
pidana pdn = drv·pad⁻¹·ang⁻² | |
TIME ― anuga [uh-NOO-guh] – ang
अनुगामी ‹anugāmī› /ɐ.nu'gɑː.miː/ «succeding, following» |
Day | Hyperfine transition frequency of ytterbium‐443* ΔνYb |
100000000 ang | 20315050535450323453012 avt |
86,400 s | 688,358,979,309,308.24 Hz* |
avriti avt = ang⁻¹ | |
anuga ang → second s | second s → anuga ang |
001504 | 3123501 |
0.051 440 329 218 106 | 19.44 |
LENGTH ― pada [PAH-duh] – pad
पद ‹pada› /'pɐ.d̪ɐ/ «pace, step» |
Earth’s Average Gravity gavg | Speed of Light c |
1 grt | 135005235440 veg |
9.797 566 850 130 385 m·s⁻² | 299,792,458 m·s⁻¹ |
guruta grt = pad·ang² | vega veg = pad·ang⁻¹ |
pada pad → metre m | metre m → pada pad |
0005333324241020132 | 102323332014301032531 |
0.025 925 414 830 613 | 38.572 188 971 078 116 |
pada pad → inch in | inch in → pada pad |
1004245035231145530 | 0551342241214101144 |
1.020 685 623 252 489 = 1 5⁄256 | 0.979 733 599 865 387 |
MASS ― dravya [DRAH-vyuh] – drv
द्रव्य ‹dravya› /'d̪rɐ.vjɐ/ «object, substance» |
Fresh Water Density | Planck Constant h |
1 gnt | 1025500342435151430 × 10⁻¹⁰² agh |
998.207 153 168 156 802 kg·m⁻³ | 6.626 070 15 × 10⁻³⁴ J·Hz⁻¹ |
ganata gnt = drv·pad⁻³ | agraha agh = vrc·avt⁻¹ agh = drv·pad²·ang⁻¹ |
dravya drv → gram g | gram g → dravya drv |
25221031220042551352 | 0020230151524513015 |
17.393934102091065 | 0.057491306689487 |
dravya drv → ounce oz | ounce oz → dravya drv |
0340305532150325055 | 1344014200110441314 |
0.613 552 969 670 668 | 1.629 851 128 480 002 |
ABSOLUTE SCALE ― gatika [guh-TEE-kuh] – gtk गतिक ‹gatika› /ɡɐ't̪i.kɐ/ «movement» COMMON SCALE ― tapa [TAH-puh] – tap / sezimal degree – °S ताप ‹tāpa› /ˈt̪ɑː.pɐ/ «heat, warmth» |
Fresh Water Specific Heat Capacity | Boltzmann Constant kB |
1 idn | 1302042411530113435 × 10⁻⁵² prv |
4184.050 933 649 753 098 J·K⁻¹·kg⁻¹ | 1.380 649 × 10⁻²³ J·K⁻¹ |
indana idn = vrc·gtk⁻¹·drv⁻¹ idn = pad²·ang⁻²·gtk⁻¹ |
parivartana prv = vrc·gtk⁻¹ prv = drv·pad²·ang⁻²·gtk⁻¹ |
gatika gtk → tapa tap | tapa tap → gatika gtk |
(gtk − 240234312) ÷ 100000 | (tap × 100000) + 240234312 |
(gtk − 4,499,396) ÷ 7,776 | (tap × 7,776) + 4,499,396 |
1 gtk Δ ≘ 1 ptap Δ ≘ 000001 tap Δ | 1 tap Δ ≘ 1 Pgtk Δ ≘ 100000 gtk Δ |
0 gtk = −240234312 tap
0 gtk = −240234312 ptap |
0 tap = 240234312 gtk
0 tap = 240234312 Pgtk |
gatika gtk → kelvin K | kelvin K → gatika gtk |
0000002455444231451 | 204132130415510035252551 |
0.000 060 708 148 381 | 16,472.253 340 655 32 |
tapa tap → degree Celsius °C | degree Celsius °C → tapa tap |
0245544423145105324 | 2041321304155100353 |
0.472 066 561 822 964 | 2.118 345 337 018 431 |
tapa tap → degree Fahrenheit °F | degree Fahrenheit °F → tapa tap |
(tap × 0503312305535425123) + 52 | (°F - 52) × 1102111302223312210 |
(tap × 0.849 719 811 281 334) + 32 | (°F - 32) × 1.176 858 520 565 792 |
ELECTRIC CURRENT ― dara [DAH-ruh] – dar
धारा ‹dhārā› /ˈd̪ʱɑː.ɾɑː/ «current, stream» |
Free Space Impedance | Elementary Charge 𝑒 |
1 ptb | 4305231315043305033 × 10⁻³³ vdt |
376.730 313 412 Ω | 1.602 176 634 × 10⁻¹⁹ C |
pratibada ptb = atr·dar⁻¹ ptb = drv·pad²·ang⁻³·dar⁻² |
vidyuta vdt = dar·ang |
trimadara Tdar → ampere A | ampere A → trimadara Tdar |
3132245024134131041 | 0150121222255031235 |
3.261 425 654 207 057 | 0.306 614 378 503 483 |
PLANE ANGLE ― mandala [mun-DAH-luh] – mdl
मण्डल ‹maṇḍala› /ˈmɐɳ.ɖɐ.l̪ɐ/ «circle, ring, circumference» |
the perimeter of a full circumference over it’s radius | |
τR = 2πR for R = 1 | |
mandala mdl → radian rad | radian rad → mandala mdl |
τ = 2π = 10141100143234252215 | 1⁄τ = 1/2π = 0054213311044450505 |
τ = 2π = 6.283 185 307 179 587 | 1⁄τ = 1/2π = 0.159 154 943 091 894 |
SOLID ANGLE ― gola [GOH-luh] – gol
गोला ‹golā› /ˈɡoːlɑː/ «sphere, globe, ball» |
the surface area of a full sphere over it’s radius | |
2τR² = 4πR² for R = 1 | |
gola gol → steradian sr | steradian sr → gola gol |
2τ = 4π = 20322200330512544434 | 1/2τ = 1/4π = 0025104433322223233 |
2τ = 4π = 12.566 370 614 359 172 | 1/2τ = 1/4π = 0.079 577 471 545 952 |
LUMINOUS INTENSITY ― prakasha [pruh-KAH-shuh] – pkx
प्रकाश ‹prakāśa› /pɾɐ'kɑː.ʃɐ/ «light» |
Luminous Efficacy of Monochromatic Radiation
of 13502453354043313344 avt (540 THz) |
1 dxt | |
683 ÷ 0.999 997 = 683.002 049 006 147 023 lm·W⁻¹ | |
drishiti dxt = dpk·xkt⁻¹ dxt = pkx·gol·drv⁻¹·pad⁻²·ang³ |
prakasha pkx → candela cd | candela cd → prakasha pkx |
4400155522201314411 | 0114134225220535254 |
4.668 207 727 292 735 | 0.214 214 974 657 937 |
AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE ― bahuta [buh-HOO-tuh] – bht
बहुत्व ‹bahutva› /bɐˈɦut̪.ʋɐ/ «multitude, abundance» |
Amount of Molecules of Water H₂O in 30 drv, called “jala number” 𝘕jal |
115201440301504354013540025132552 × 10⁵⁰ |
1.046 598 748 176 340 085 182 523 6 × 10²⁵ |
Atomic Mass of Water H₂O | Atomic Mass of Carbon-20 ²⁰C |
30 dul | 20000035532455101555 dul |
18 dul | 12.000 512 897 939 970 dul |
18.015 28 Da | 12.0107 Da |
duli dul = 𝘕jal⁻¹ drv | |
bahuta bht → mole mol | mole mol → bahuta bht |
25213523023430522454 | 0020232331424035150 |
17.379 181 090 020 55 | 0.057 540 110 481 627 4 |